Hello, I'm Erika

Counsellor - Sexologist - Facilitator

I help people to achieve emotional and sexual empowerment

Hello, I'm Erika
C O U N S E L L O R - S E X O L O G I S T - F A C I L I T A T O R
I help people to achieve emotional and sexual empowerment

Hello, I'm Erika

Counsellor- Sexologist - Facilitator

I help people to achieve emotional and sexual empowerment

Philosopher, Ethicist & Humanist.

My passion is empowering people with education and personal development tools. “Knowledge is power,” as the saying goes. But I believe there’s a deeper level. It’s the way we understand and process that knowledge that counts, it’s what we choose to do with it that can make the biggest impact. I’ve worked hard to create a job in which I get to share knowledge and educate where needed, and then work with people to support them in utilising this knowledge to create and live their best lives. 

Sound like something you’d want to try? Jump on board, get in touch, I’m waiting to hear from people that want to take the leap to make their world and, as a result, our collective world, a better place. 

How I can help you

One to One Sessions

with adults and youth,
face to face or via online


for your workplace or organisation


programs delivered in schools
or other institutions

Things people say about me

My credentials

BAPhil&Art(DualHons), PGDipSex, DipCouns, SAS

  • BA Dual Honours in Philosphy & Art
  • Post Graduate Diploma of Sexology 
  • Diploma of Professional Counselling
  • Qualified Yoga Instructor 

My musings

Sexual status quo

I am so often faced with people having issues around sexuality and normality. “What is a normal size?” “What’s a normal shape?” “What’s a normal

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Curiosity. It may have ‘killed the cat’ but in my experience it has the exact opposite effect on relationships.  How do you know what to

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Want to know more about how i can help?

Get in touch today to start a conversation about how i can do just that!